South Australian hypnotists have launched a week-long campaign to capture the mindshare of businesses and individuals with the power of hypnosis.

Launched last Friday by State MP for Morialta Lindsay Simmons, the inaugural Hypnosis Week program has been organised by the SA Society of Hypnosis (SASH) to demonstrate the benefits offered by professional hypnosis.
Events have included a promotional stall in Rundle Mall on Saturday and a free information session yesterday called Discovering Hypnosis, which offered discussion, video examples and demonstrations of how hypnosis could enhance the practices of relevant professionals.

Tomorrow night, Hypnosis Week provides One Entrancing Evening with SASH, an entertaining information night about hypnosis, featuring video clips showing historical and contemporary footage of the use of hypnosis.

SASH holds a brief AGM and longer dinner on Thursday night at the Freedom Adelaide Meridien Hotel in North Adelaide, featuring Laurence Field speaking on Cognitive Hypnosis.

Hypnosis Week winds up next Saturday with an afternoon Member and Students’ Workshop, a training day that features Hypnosis with Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

For more information about Hypnosis Week, visit

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